Frequently asked questions
Products are typically shipped by the vendor wherever they reside, a few items are shipped in both Europe and the United States, the product will be dispatched from your closest location.
This is based on your geo location unless you set a delivery address in your account settings.
Products will list a target dispatch time, after this delivery is usually within 3-10 days depending on your location. Typically deliveries between European countries will be 3 days, with ones to other continents taking longer.
Tracking is available for all products sold.
Some products may offer faster shipping speeds in the checkout.
Pop us an email [email protected] and we’ll get to the bottom of it. Please be sure to include your order number.
The courier used will be listed in the checkout.
Tracking numbers will be created one the items have been shipped, if you do not receive a tracking number within the dispatch window listed on the product page, please email [email protected], be sure to include your order number.
You are responsible for any applicable import duties, the correct values will be sent on all items shipped. No import duties will be payable within the EU where the product was shipped from the EU.
If your item has been levied with an import fee please contact with the courier and your national tax authority.
Still having issues? Send us an email on [email protected].